Cleanroom Beard Cover Dispenser
Carolina Mechanical offers custom solutions for your storage of beard covers in your cleanroom.
Typical catalog style garb dispensers are made from acrylic and are constantly cracking, crazing, or breaking. Catalog stainless garb dispensers are either made from improper materials or techniques and are not easily cleaned. Our garb dispensers are built with the proper materials and techniques for use in sterile manufacturing facilities where sporicidal disinfectants are commonly used. Please give us a call to provide the best solutions for your specific garb needs.
Our Beard cover holder/dispenser can offer:
- Stainless Steel Construction – typically type 316L. Options in 304 stainless are available
- Heavy Duty construction yields stable and safe performance
- Polycarbonate viewing window that is replaceable
- Upper swing top for loading.
- Hinge action is custom built and is not a piano hinge which is not easily cleaned.
- Sloped Top for cleanability option
- Slotted bottom for draining
- All hardware is stainless steel and/or plastic. No exposed threads.
- TIG welded construction
- All exposed surfaces passivated
- Other custom options available. Please see our combo units for mixing different garb types in one unit.